Vikings Printed Lapbook Bundle

Choose your Level Level 1 Level 2

Our lapbook add-on for Vikings is an optional extension for people who love hands-on learning! Students will add to it every day. *The lapbook is not required, it is built into the notebooking pages. We have the same information (and sometimes more) on the notebooking page so students can either do notebooking and/or do it in a lapbook. A lapbook is a folder with a bunch of mini books and fold-outs glued onto it. Basically, it is notebooking, in a hands-on way. Students will add to it every day and it is full watercolor! So there are watercolor doors and shields and things to glue onto the folder, and then cutouts to go inside.

There are two levels to choose from:

Level 1 is all cut and paste. Level 2 has lines for them to write the information, and it has no answers inside, so they can write their own. Want to add on more printed cutouts for another student, with folders? You now have that option! This will come with additional folders and any level of choice for an additional student for $20.95! Just indicate how many extra cutout packs you need for each level in the notes section when you place your order.

The instruction guide will come with both, it has answers, placement, cutting instructions, and more! The printed version includes everything you need in printed format including two folders to make the double lapbook. It will come with three brass fasteners for the turning-type mini books, the instruction guide and answer key, and cutouts for either level 1 or level 2. It ALSO comes with digital. We are throwing this in after making one and realizing one mistake could be incredibly frustrating. So, if you make a mistake, simply print out another one!